Ep 14 | How to Podcast When You Don’t Know How to Podcast

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This virus season has been for some, a moment to slow down. For some, it’s been a stressful speed up especially for doctors and nurses. And then there are some people who have found the opportunity being shut in during this pandemic to create something new. But that’s the thing about creativity, it can flourish anywhere any time. On today’s episode of Loose Change, I wanted to introduce you to three friends of mine who are all starting their very own podcast.

First we will hear from Christine Job from Barcelona, Spain. Her podcast is called Flourish in the Foreign and it archives stories from Black women living abroad from around the world.

Then we will chat with Nsikan and Jules, two Christian twenty-somethings living in Hong Kong about how they will be sharing their failures and faith on their podcast, Derefinery. Starting something new is scary in the best of times. It takes a different kind of courage to try something outside of your comfort zone when you are already uncomfortable.


Bonus | Prayers in Times of Change


Bonus | The Serenity Prayer