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Ep 19 | What Not to Say When You Don’t Know What to Say
Oliver Ip is (was) a pastor, a life coach and a theological scholar, but more importantly, he was the one who taught me how to practically care for others. I've finally got him on the podcast to share some of the best and worst things you can say to someone who is grieving. Today’s episode could be thought of as Part 3 of this series of What to Do When Your Friend is not okay. I took a lot away from this episode. I know you will too.
Ep 17 | What to Watch When You Don’t Know What to Watch
I read a couple of articles in the Atlantic and the Wall Street Journal that talked about studies around why we rewatch movies and tv shows. Studies showed that there was a therapeutic benefit to the déja vu. Of course, there is the sense of nostalgia, visiting a happy place or moment that you’ve already been. Another point is that because you’ve seen it before, there will be no surprises.
Ep 16 | How to Be There When You Can’t Be There
On last week’s episode, I shared some thoughts on grief and how you and I can support our loved ones while they are grieving some sort of loss. And that reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend of mine, let’s call her Yvette.* Yvette and her husband are a black couple living in Asia. Her husband is a pilot, well actually a captain, and often has to travel away from her and their two boys for weeks at a time.
Ep 14 | How to Podcast When You Don’t Know How to Podcast
This virus season has been for some, a moment to slow down. For some, it’s been a stressful speed up especially for doctors and nurses. And then there are some people who have found the opportunity being shut in during this pandemic to create something new. But that’s the thing about creativity, it can flourish anywhere any time. On today’s episode of Loose Change, I wanted to introduce you to three friends of mine who are all starting their very own podcast.
Ep 13 | How to Pray When You Don’t Know How to Pray
There are some moments in life when so much is happening and there is some much change going on that it can feel overwhelming. I know for me, I instantly feel the panic and the pain before I can sit down and unravel what’s going on. And maybe it’s the same for you. In those moments, when I feel like I’m losing control and the world is too heavy, I turn to prayer.
Ep 12 | How to Deal When You Don’t Know How to Deal
Last year, I asked Derek if he would coach me and I am not exaggerating when I say, it was life changing. So today on the podcast, I asked Derek if he would mind speaking to you. Because you’re going through a lot right now and your life has probably been directly or indirectly affected by the virus.
Ep 11 | How to Move When You Don’t Know How to Move
We had a conversation a few months ago, when the virus first hit Hong Kong. What I really liked about our talk was how Moon defined her “otherness” and how she was able to learn more about herself by moving to the other side of the world.
Ep 10 | Self-Confidence
Season Finale! For the final episode of the first season of Loose Change, I wanted to share with you a very special interview I did. I talk about my insecurities a lot on this show, so I wanted to talk with someone who consistently works at building up hers. So much so that she can battle through some of what the world throws at her.
By Topic
- anxiety
- black and abroad
- care
- coaching
- confidence
- covid-19
- depression
- friendship
- full transcript
- grief
- honesty
- how to
- imposter syndrome
- interview
- lgbtqia+
- loss
- marriage
- mental health
- micro-agressions
- motherhood
- mourning
- moving
- pandemic
- perfectionism
- perseverance
- podcasting
- prayer
- racism
- season finale
- season premiere
- self-healing
- television
- trailer
- trauma