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Ep 19 | What Not to Say When You Don’t Know What to Say
Oliver Ip is (was) a pastor, a life coach and a theological scholar, but more importantly, he was the one who taught me how to practically care for others. I've finally got him on the podcast to share some of the best and worst things you can say to someone who is grieving. Today’s episode could be thought of as Part 3 of this series of What to Do When Your Friend is not okay. I took a lot away from this episode. I know you will too.
Ep 15 | How to Grieve Because It is Okay to Grieve
Grief is the experience we go through when something or someone is taken away from us. It is a sense of loss, and it is a loss that is personal and individual. My original plan for this episode was very different. The title was different. The subject matter was about the same, I knew that I wanted to talk about grief and how to push through it. And like the rest of this season, I wanted to interview a friend about how they kept going even through the lowest moments of their lives. But then, their lows kept getting lower.
Bonus | Prayers in Times of Change
This prayer was taken for the book Daily Prayer with the Corrymeela Community. I liked the way that it acknowledges our mourning for the way things used to be. If you are looking for more guided prayers, I’d recommend you check out the book Daily Prayer with the Corrymeela Community. Monday’s episode looks more in to mourning, grief, and loss. Talk to you then.
Bonus | The Serenity Prayer
As a bonus episode, I decided to read the Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr. You may recognise the beginning as it is often used in 12-step programmes. And it's obvious to see why. Hope you enjoy.
Ep 10 | Self-Confidence
Season Finale! For the final episode of the first season of Loose Change, I wanted to share with you a very special interview I did. I talk about my insecurities a lot on this show, so I wanted to talk with someone who consistently works at building up hers. So much so that she can battle through some of what the world throws at her.
Ep 07 | Little Kid, Big Feelings
I was going to record an episode about my husband, but when I went to record, Aria decided to throw a tantrum. But when life gives you lemons, make a podcast! C’mon, you know you saw that joke coming.
Ep 03 | I Told My 5 Year Old I Was Sad
Growing up, when our parents did something that we didn’t agree with we would often say, “When I grow up, I’ll never do that to my kid!” But parenthood is a real struggle and while I no longer hold it against my mom for trying to force me to eat broccoli or clean my room, I am looking at how my parenting style has changed over the years and how I compare it to hers.
By Topic
- anxiety
- black and abroad
- care
- coaching
- confidence
- covid-19
- depression
- friendship
- full transcript
- grief
- honesty
- how to
- imposter syndrome
- interview
- lgbtqia+
- loss
- marriage
- mental health
- micro-agressions
- motherhood
- mourning
- moving
- pandemic
- perfectionism
- perseverance
- podcasting
- prayer
- racism
- season finale
- season premiere
- self-healing
- television
- trailer
- trauma