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Sn 03 | Trailer
Welcome to Season 3 of the Loose Change podcast. My name is Deanna and today is my birthday!
As this podcast evolves and starts to take form, I want to make sure that you feel like it's really made for you. During the break, I took a step back to listen to what you are talking about in your day to day lives, the transitions you are going through, the hard work you are doing, the triumphs you've celebrated. And I find that we are a lot alike and so very different. And that, above all else makes me encouraged for us to go through change together.
Season 3 of the Loose Change Podcast is coming soon. Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss it. You can find me on Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic, Overbreaker, and of course on my brand new website, loosechangepodcast.com. I'll see you there.
By Topic
- anxiety
- black and abroad
- care
- coaching
- confidence
- covid-19
- depression
- friendship
- full transcript
- grief
- honesty
- how to
- imposter syndrome
- interview
- lgbtqia+
- loss
- marriage
- mental health
- micro-agressions
- motherhood
- mourning
- moving
- pandemic
- perfectionism
- perseverance
- podcasting
- prayer
- racism
- season finale
- season premiere
- self-healing
- television
- trailer
- trauma